Translated Nigo Interview!
Wow. You don’t have to like him. You don’t have to like Bape. You don’t have to like his robotic teak wood floored garage either. Odds are Nigo doesn’t care. I probably wouldn’t either. I’ll be honest, I don’t really wear Bape, but it is truly one of my favorite brands to watch. So unbelievable from its inception, its imagery, its unreal following, the enormous wealth it has generated for Nigo, and how long it has lasted. It really doesn’t even seem ‘real’ when you think about how far fetched it all really is. Either way, I have always wanted a translated Nigo interview and pigmag.com finally hooked it up. Great read and fresh photography, real fresh photography. I want a tour of Nigo’s house. Thanks to Being Hunted on this one.