The White Stripes, Michel Gondry, and Conan O’Brien!!!
Wow…there have been some seriously good music videos lately. I’ve been keeping a close eye on all things Mark Romanek of course, and there’s that new Madonna video for “Hung Up” that is really fresh…but this…this is perfect. Michel Gondry is one of the most brilliant minds in film of all-time, no question. The White Stripes are definitely one of the most important music artists today, and Conan is Conan. You can’t not love Conan O’Brien. So yeah, all three of them are part of this White Stripes video and it is hilarious, dizzying, intriguing, and just plain cool. There’s not a better word for it, it’s just cool. Go check out Michel Gondry’s DVD on the Director’s Label series for more of his work. But for the time being, check this music video for the White Stripes “The Denial Twist.” Also, check WhiteStripes.com for all their videos. Ugh. I love it.