Siiiiike! I got it!
Call me weak-willed…I don’t care. I went past our Apple store to hold the phone, play with it, check the form factor…and about 2 seconds deep I had to have one. I can sum up almost everything with this: Yes, it is exactly like the commercials – if not better. So gone is the 8800 Blackberry, and my beloved push-email. I was actually quite surprised at how quick the email connects + checks when I manually sync, very nice. I honestly almost don’t even know what to type here…its just an amazing device. The internet is nothing short of amazing – full browsing, just amazing. So…maybe I’ll have more updates later, but Virgil just got into town and we are on our way out for the evening. This phone is nuts. Done and done. ***Yeah, the pop3 email problem that other people are having issues with…so am I. This is an issue!!