The Brilliance!


We’re really internet and we’re really back. A website about things Benjamin , Chuck , Virgil , and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant.


Brill sex

Punk: “Chaos to Couture”!!! Cliff-notes for fashion!!!

As into Art and all that as I am it’s almost as hard to make time to see Art as it was to find time to read. I hate reading LOL. Rather rarely have time for it. But a few nights ago at the MET Ball I got a glimpse of what I have been missing with these A-level exhibitions. I love this particular exhibit first and foremost because I love the point of view of people behind it. Nick Knight and Riccardo Tisci entitled Punk: “Chaos to Couture”. What I love most is this is a perfect exhibition for those that ignore the medium because of the “Zoolander-ness” of fashion. Punk is the perfect platform because it came from kids that didn’t give a shit about fashion and looked at expressing themselves in a utilitarian sense which is perfect launch pad for the Art of fashion. This exhibition puts those places and things right next to the dream. Recreations of Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren’s famous SEX shop that started it all to a cigarette-to-cigerette replica of CBGBs bathroom. All adjacent to couture gowns from Riccardo and rare Alexander McQueen, Christopher Kane interpretations of that punk fashion spirit. We’ve seen it on the internet, but rarely seen it with our own eyes. This is an exhibition you can learn from. Cliff-notes for fashion. Walking thru it its one of those moments you realize learning off the internet has a ceiling. Just when I get tired of fashion its great to be reminded that fashion is Art. The medium is fabric. Sans canvas.