Promise Land ft. Mister Cartoon!!!
THE BRILLIANCE! loves Mr. Cartoon. How many people can say they’ve tattooed 50, Travis Barker, Nas, and a sweet Wu “W” on Method Man’s arm?!? Mr. Cartoon is a staple in today’s art world. A true modern master, his culturally inspired work, clean lettering, and unbelievable tattoo work coupled with a very easy to use and nice site completes the package. Now on to the news since you either already knew this or now know. Promise Land, hosted by Mister Cartoon and presented by Nike is going on TONIGHT - Thursday April 28, 2005 from 8:30 PM - 1AM. Live boxing and musical performances?! Mister Cartoon!? Art auctions? If I wasn’t dwelling in the Chicago suburbs who didn’t get out much other than to the post office and the grocery store, I’d fly out to LA for this. Check the flyer for more details.