The Brilliance!


We’re really internet and we’re really back. A website about things Benjamin , Chuck , Virgil , and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant.


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Powell (-Peralta) Classics!

The days of Bones Brigade and Public domain are long gone… And for the longest so were some of the classic t-shirts, decks, and patches that Powell Peralta Skateboards put out. Their branding and imagery was, still is, so iconic of that era. The classic ripper skull (as shown) is hands-down one of my all time favorite skateboard images/logos/whatever. So fresh. Until about a year ago your only option was eBay to get those classic Powell Peralta goods… Now you can get the fresh retro-releases directly from the new Powell site. Check your classics game, Powell was the best. Also, check the repeating skull pattern on the top of their site…perfect.