Mark Romanek is…
one of the biggest artistic inspirations to hit me in a very, very long time. I have been subliminally searching for new creative inspiration for a long time now, always checking out artists sites online, portfolios, work in magazines…but nothing has struck me quite like Mark Romanek’s DVD in the Director’s Label box set struck me. His vision, his story, his eye, and most importantly his final product (the music videos) are so striking to me…this isn’t really ‘news’ so-to-speak, but I just only recently bought that DVD and watched everything on it over and over again. More info on that DVD and others at Director’s Label. Anyways, Mark’s videos for Fiona Apple, Jay-Z, Johnny Cash, NIN, and my new favorite video of all-time, “Can’t Stop” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers are all included on the DVD. It’s pretty much a must-buy. The best DVD in my collection, right alongside my World Poker Tournament DVD set. Ha…I’m not kidding. Anyways, I have now told myself I will work with Mark someday. And when I say things like that, I mean it. Someday…