Man made Icebergs!!!
Being a fan of architecture, you gotta be careful when getting too excited about the fancy renderings you see. When I first saw the renderings for BLUE in the LES I was like "SNAP!", Tschumi is makin moves, the form is on point. After walking by the construction site last month I couldn’t help thinking the façade was lack luster and lookin’ real suspect, I left uninterested. The glass detailing looks like it could have been done in the 80’s but this is 2006. Anyhow it looks like my faith is restored by this other project I came across. The Iceberg add this to the list of things designed better in Japan. It’s the work of CDI a well rounded Ayoma, Tokyo firm who has adopted the more than just designing buildings approach. Check out their other stuff. The difference between the two projects are the finished product. The latter is real dynamic. The detailing of the glass and the concept are on the same page. Who else needs to learn Japanese?…at least the pictures by Jean Snow are in Engilsh.