The Brilliance!


We’re really internet and we’re really back. A website about things Benjamin , Chuck , Virgil , and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant.


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I found out about Stefan and Nicole Andrén in the latest issue of my favorite magazine Dwell. Quickly - Dwell is a beautiful magazine you need to read if you don’t already. Anyways, Stefan and Nicole work for Nike and Wieden+Kennedy respectively and live in Portland, Oregon. They moved there and found the condos to be too overpriced, and as Dwell says, they were inspired by defeat. So they took it upon themselves to create and design their own place on a sloped hill in the woods. The result is an absolutely beautiful home they call Skybox. So first - you must read the whole article in Dwell. One of the most important and commendable aspects of the project was to use affordable materials. Lots of IKEA, lots of basic things from Home Depot that were customized…simple, efficient, practical thinking that resulted in a masterpiece of a home, if you ask me. Then there is Krownlab, which is their architecture and interior design studio. You must check out Krownlab and the Dwell article asap. Go ahead, get off your futon and stop looking around the internet for funny pictures to post on your friend’s MySpace. Ok?!