KAWS x i-D Magazine & Video interview!!
Ben filled me in a few weeks back that the new i-D magazine was coming out soon and it was going to be adorned with KAWS’ work inside and out. We’ve all long been admirers of KAWS here at THE BRILLIANCE so its always great to see new work from him, let alone a video interview that really gives some cool insight into the artist’s process and mind. Considering interviews with him in general are few and far between, it was definitely a nice treat to see this one today. As an artist myself, I enjoy hearing how other creative people actually make their work. He goes into some detail about printing PDF’s off, putting them on the lightbox, drawing overtop of them, scanning them back in, and so on. It’s not the most interesting part of the video but it’s just fun to see and hear about nonetheless. I speak for myself, Ben, and Virgil when I say we love behind-the-scenes looks at how talented people do their thing so with the new issue of i-D coming out, this is a great little “companion’ (get it? eh…) video for some added perspective. I’ve often wondered about his whole approach to his work - he’s taken on so many different kinds of art over the years: graffiti, products, fine art, editorial, etc. So it was really refreshing to hear him talk about this in the video. He basically said forget worrying about who is down with this and who doesnt like that and so on, he’s just doing what he enjoys and is going to be successful at it. And of course the little peeks at his studio are interesting as well. Anyways - check out the new issue of i-D for more of KAWS work and check the video interview with him in the link below…