It’s an almost-the-weekend randomzzz post!
Did everyone have a good week? Pretty good over here. So this weather in Grand Rapids - it should be freezing, but I just rode to my office and broke a sweat, weird. There is an instrumental version of Common’s Finding Forever on iTunes…nuts, The People sounds amazing alone. No diss to Common though. Travel - I’m about to do it up I think. Spends some euros out in europe, you know? Ahh…speaking of euros, are Banksy’s pieces really worth 80,000 of them?! Check Supertouch…whoa. And speaking of Supertouch, man, I’m late on this blog - I always knew about it, but never really checked. It’s offically made it onto my favorites bar in Safari, thats a coveted spot FYI, ha. Virgil dubbed Jay-Z the ‘Apple, Inc.’ of hip-hop - I love that. With that said, yeah, I’m nervous about the new album…I want it to be ‘Jay-Z-amazing’. Music…the Mad Decent Radio podcasts from Diplo on iTunes…where have I been? All that great music…for free. More music..Kanye over the Heartbeats track…a hipsters dream. I love it too man. Do you ever just get bored of the late-night, out-and-about, bar, club, social scene? I’m reverting back to house parties - and I’m only drinking wine, see attached picture, ha. That should about do it…everyone have a brilliant weekend!!