God Bless The South.com
I just finished setting this up. As some of you may know, I recently took a trip to Biloxi, Mississippi with a group of people from my church. 16 of us total went. I brought my camera along and after the first day, everyone put theirs away because I was taking so many pictures. I really wanted to document my time there because I felt it would be so important to share it all with as many people as I could, since I have a pretty good outlet through both The Brilliance and NoPattern. I just finished setting up GodBlessTheSouth.com and would love for people to check it out and see the images and descriptions. There are only 40 pictures up at the moment but there will be more to come. Please keep my church in your prayers as another group of us are headed to New Orleans next week to continue helping with hurricane relief. More pictures will follow after that trip. Please spread this link around and any other sites that might be acting as help to the damage caused by the hurricanes. It is so important to do whatever you can for the victims of these terrible tragedies. If donating $5 is all you can do, do it. If you can’t do that, keep the situation in your prayers. Thanks. Sorry for the ‘downer’...read the “Ben’s email to me” post below and get a laugh…