Escape Artist, get gone!
I’ve been a frequent visitor of this site for a while. It’s basically an often-updated guide/portal on how to leave your ‘regular’ life and head off to some ridiculously exotic place for the rest of your life. Everything from off-shore banking, property/real-estate availability, culture customs to get familiar with, relocation services…and some sketchy stuff like anonymous off-shore credit cards, 2nd passports, overseas judicial information, etc. It’s seriously a pretty thick resource for everything you need to know to basically disappear. Hmm. If anything its an interesting resource if your interested in exotic travel or owning real-estate in another country. Remember that movie ‘The Beach’? This reminds me of that. Also, I really like the design of this site…I mean, if it was all ‘glossy’ and well designed it wouldn’t feel so real, right?