Artists to enjoy, No. 1
I’m trying to think of some funny, clever title for this series of posts I’m going to start doing, but I think a simple “Artists to enjoy” gets the point across best. Better than my original title, “Links to various websites of artists that do work of a respectable caliber and higher than average level of quality.” Anyways, I find myself very inspired lately by a lot of really incredible artists I’ve been discovering as I go through the internet, magazines, books, etc… There is a lot of talent floating around right now and a lot of these people aren’t nearly getting the amount of recognition they deserve, so I’m doing my part to help out and give them some more spotlight. So - let me begin…
Andy Gilmore - Andy Gilmore’s work is fascinating to look at…especially these bird drawings he does. The compositions are clean and ultimately simple, but its in the details where you get a little lost, wishing you could take a closer look. It’s actually pretty astounding at the amount of detail in Andy’s linework (example). His work all at once reminds me of Lance Sells, Matthew Woodson, and Phil Hale, for different but great reasons alike. Check out some of Gilmore’s stuff on Etsy
Jenny Mortsell - Almost as intriguing as her work is the URL of her site, ‘Jennysportfolio.com’...I like that. What I love is the resurgence of traditional illustration lately - it’s everywhere. I appreciate Jenny’s work because it reminds me that not everybody just traces photos of people in Illustrator to achieve good portrait illustration. Awesome work, nice, clean lines….simple simple simple.
Mathew Cerletty - Paintings this simple aren’t for everybody. You have to appreciate what Ed Ruscha does to even begin appreciate a more broken down version of a simple ‘text painting’...But there’s something fun about stuff like that juxtaposed with stuff in the same portfolio like this. Good variety…More at Rivington Arms
Grandpeople - Beautiful typography, fresh colors, good concepts…all nice things to have in a portfolio. Even nicer when you’re showing so much work on a site like Grandpeople does and those things are consistent throughout. No filler…
Thanks in part to Jan of Varshava for helping me discover some of these artists…