Artists on the ÍцëRñèT!!!
If you keep up with artist/designer portfolios online, you know it’s ALWAYS hit or miss… sometimes you find an artist with beautiful work, but a site that does no justice to their work, as it’s perhaps clumsy to navigate or just doesn’t showcase their work because it focuses too much on the site design or background music or javascript snowflakes falling over top. (Ok, maybe not so much that…) And sometimes you find a site that looks cool, works great, and showcases work well…but the artist’s work is…let’s just say… terrible. Ha. Anyways, these sites are a few of my personal favorites to not only navigate and look at, but the art these people create makes it that much greater. Let’s start with Ms. Maya Hayuk. I’ve been a fan of Maya’s work for a long time now, and her newly updated site is really one of a kind…I love the super personal feel of this site. Really organic, hand-drawn style, and talk about thorough…she has so much work up there….Awesome. Inspiring me to work on my new site… Next up, Graphic Havoc. GH avisualagency’s site has that left/right setup popularized by Daniel Eatock...which in my opinion is a great way to showcase work because it’s so easy…Love the collapsable sections, and of course the Projects Archive is key…showing lots of work. You know you’re doing well as an artist when you can show a lot of work, and it’s all good work. When you first start out, in my opinion, it’s best to show fewer really good pieces than a slew of “eh” pieces. Something only talent and time can help you with…Alright, moving on… Mr. Mario Hugo’s site Loveworn. LOVE this site. I don’t know what it is about it…I like that each time you click a project, a slice of a bigger picture shows up in its place on the list, kind of enticing you to keep clicking through the rest of the work to see the bigger picture. Anyways, Mario’s work is really sick too, so that helps. Last but not least, I’ve got to give some very big respect to the new SVSV site, brought to you by Mr. Gensler and The KDU. What a gorgeous site. I usually hate music on sites, and flash is hard to pull off…and even though this isn’t an “artist portfolio”, it’s still a showcase of something, and they did a wonderful job at that…. then of course you have the incredible work of Von gracing the pages…nice. NICE! NICE!