The Brilliance!


We’re really internet and we’re really back. A website about things Benjamin , Chuck , Virgil , and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant.


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Past weekend action, Flickr flicking!

Per Virgil’s previous post – I spent a refreshing weekend in Chicago catching up on live shows, business lunches, roaming the Chicago art museum, shopping, family and friends. Good times. Check our Flickr page at the link below for a little visual re-cap. The show at Subterranean on Thursday was too good (sorry I left early gang)…but seriously, if this is the new hip-hop then please sign me up man. Reminded me of a punk show at Off The Alley back in the day. Just refreshing man – Cool Kids killed it, Mic Terror seriously tore it down…honestly the hi-top-fade-hero is fresh, check for him – Mano and Hollywood Holt did their thing crazy too. Such an entertaining show. The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying the beautiful weather and taking the University Park Metra train to the art museum by myself to zone out a bit…very inspiring and relaxing. It had probably been since high school (maybe a field trip?) since I’d been. I forgot how it feels to wander the perfectly humid halls and see mind-numbing originals in-person feet away from you. If they could talk right?! Yeah…good weekend man. Check the Flickr page.